Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Sunday turned out to be a wonderful day. Nearly everyone ended up staying the night in Galway last night, and therefore, we had a very quiet and peaceful house to ourselves. Allison and I spent the afternoon walking around the town and the shore. We also broke into brian and max's house in order to get our food we left there the night before, but on the way ran into these really awesome horses. here is the horse:

This week is the second (official) but first (actual) week of classes. Monday I didn't have to be at school for any particular reason, but i decided to go anyway to get some reading and library time in. After lunch was over, Kelly and I started out on an interventionist walk, lurching around in nearby areas looking for little tasks. It was a pleasant way to spend the afternoon, and a good exercise. 

We got home around five and made a scrumptious dinner: stuffed peppers with rice, carrots, pepper, tomatoes, and curry : ) sooo tasty
After dinner we played some card games, mash, and sat around talking. 
Overall, a nice monday. I decided that I really like living with everyone from school. We are getting to know each other so quickly and it is a good and strange mix of people. 

Today- the first day of class for me!
I got to school, early as usual, and finished reading this book that I started the other day : my stroke of insight. Then went to class at 1:30. It's a tutorial class, which means we meet for a few minutes, and then our teacher goes around for studio visits for the rest of class. Based upon today- i am going to love this class. It sounds like a lot of research, theory, thinking, and working. 
and that's all.

1 comment:

  1. that sounds awesome. i am sure you will love that class. you and me both are thinkers. lol. but i had my first day of class today too! I'll tell ya about it soon!
