Saturday, January 16, 2010


 I am so terrible at keeping this updated. 

Overall, this week has been a wonderful combination of exploration, discovery, bus rides, and bonding. 

After meetings and group seminar at the school on Wednesday, Louge's pub was hosting a dinner party for us. We were invited to come around eight for finger food, drinks, and live music. (Oh, and the bar tender picked us up on the side of the road to bring us) All in all- it was Ireland. It was everything that I could have imagined Ireland being like, and everything that represents this culture. It was a fun night of dancing together, listening to music as well as locals pitching in and bringing their own instruments, old men singing, and lots of cheer. I just wanted to hold onto that night forever. We left the pub around midnight and walked a friend home, but just as we entered the wall by their house the clouds had cleared and the sky was lit up with millions of stars. I could see galaxy dust, the milky way, jupiter, and mars. We sat for over an hour watching and gazing. 
The next morning was a lot of sitting and waiting. Half of the group was brought to innes for immigration stuff at garda. We had to get our visas, but once we were done we were allowed to wonder around the town and shop. We chose to go eat crepes with Robert and they were oh-so0oooo-good. The afternoon was filled with another long van trip to visit turloughs around the Burren. A turlough is a disappearing lake that forms rapidly when it rains. The water rises up from the limestone and within a few hours can create an entire lake. It was pretty cool to see. Thursday night was a low key night oh card games, talking, and making food. 

Friday was so good and so bad all at the same time. We left at nine to head north through galway up to canamara. It has a completely different geography there, where I thought we were going to be exploring, hiking, and taking our time, but instead it was a four hour bus ride up, and a four hour bus ride back. Too long if you ask me! 
By the time we all got back we were so exhausted. I used this as time to clean up, cook, and do some laundry. The plan was to go to bed early, but then it soon became a night of talking and laughing about childhood dream houses and roll on glitter!

Saturday, today, we spent the day in Galway. Galway is a relatively close city filled with old cathedrals, historical buildings, and little shops. I learned about so many famous people and events that took place here during our little tour. Around 130 we broke up into small groups to explore the town. We were not too into shopping so we ate pasta in the rain, checked out the museum, and wondered around. It was pretty nice. Tonight is wine night: )

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